TEXT: [C] All your other ::Fleet Girl:: Characters gain +1500 Power.[A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may put the top 2 cards ofyour Library under this as Marker.[A] [(3)] At the...
TEXT: [C] All your other ::Fleet Girl:: Characters gain +500 Power and "[A]ENCORE [Discard a Character card from hand to the Waiting Room]". World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~
TEXT: [C] If you have 2 or more other ::Fleet Girl:: Characters, this gains+1000 Power.[A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, look at up to 3 cards from topof your Library and choose up to 1...
TEXT: [A] When this attacks, if "Second Carrier Division, Deploy!" is in theClimax Zone, this gains +3000 Power for the turn.[A] At the start of your Draw Phase, if you have no other Character in...
TEXT: [C] If you have 2 or more other ::Fleet Girl:: Characters, this gains+1000 Power.[A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, look at up to 3 cards from topof your Library and choose up to 1...