TEXT: [C] During your Opponent's turn, if you have another YELLOW Character andanother GREEN Character, this gains +1500 Power and "[A] ENCORE [Discard aCharacter card from hand to the Waiting Room]"...
TEXT: [S] [Rest this] Choose up to 2 Characters. Those Characters gain::Sports:: for the turn.[S] [Put this in the Waiting Room] Choose 1 of your Characters with "Tomoyo" inthe name. That Character...
TEXT: [A] At the beginning of your Opponent's Attack Phase, you may choose 1 ofyour Characters and this Character. Stand them and swap their positions. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~
TEXT: [S] [(1)] Choose 1 of your Characters. That Character gains ::Starfish::and "[S] [Rest this] Choose 1 of your ::Teacher:: Characters. That Charcatergains +2000 Power for the turn" for the turn...