TEXT: [C] ALARM If this is on top of your Clock and you have more cards in yourhand than your Opponent's, all your Characters gain +1000 Power. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~
TEXT: [C] During your Opponent's turn, all your other Characters gain +500Power.[S] [Rest this] Choose 1 of your Characters, and that Characters gains +500Power for the turn. World Wide Shipping fee...
TEXT: [C] If there's 1 or fewer other Characters in your Front Row, this gains+!000 Power.[A] At the beginning of your Opponent's Encore Step, if there are 6 cards inyour Clock, Rest this, and return...
TEXT: [C] If there's 1 or fewer other Characters in your Front Row, this gains+2000 Power.[A] When this attacks, if "Trap on the Rooftop" is in the Climax Zone, draw acard. World Wide Shipping fee is...