TEXT: [C] All your other Characters with "Honoka" in name gain +1000 Power.[A] When your other Character becomes Reversed in battle, choose 1 of yourCharacters, and that Character gains +1000 Power...
TEXT: [A] [Discard a Climax card from hand to the Waiting Room] When this isplaced from hand to the Stage, you may pay cost. If so, choose 1 Character with"Honoka" in name in your Waiting Room and...
TEXT: [C] This cannot Side Attack.[A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage or via CHANGE to the Stage, youmay put the top card of your Clock in the Waiting Room.[A] When this attacks, if "Blue...
TEXT: [C] If all your Characters have "Honoka" in name, this gains +2000Power.[A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card from hand to the Waiting Room] World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~
[A] When this attacks, if "This Feeling We Have Right Here" is in the Climax Zone and you have another '"Snow halation" Umi Sonoda' and another '"Snow halation" Kotori Minami', this gains +4000 Power...
TEXT: [C] Your other Character in the Front Row Center Slot gains +1000 Power.[C] When you pay for the CHANGE cost of your Characters, you may put a Markerfrom under this in the Waiting Room in place...
TEXT: [A] CHANGE [(2) Discard a card from hand to the Waiting Room, put this inthe Waiting Room] At the start of your Climax Phase, you may pay cost. If so,choose 1 '"Happy maker!" Honoka Kousaka' in...