Evolve (1): Evolve this card. Fanfare: If there are 3 or more cards in your graveyard, choose a follower from enemy field. It becomes an amulet card. Give it "Activate: [2 PP]: Put this card to...
Evolve (1): Evolve this card. Fanfare: If there are 3 or more cards in your graveyard, choose a follower from enemy field. It becomes an amulet card. Give it "Activate: [2 PP]: Put this card to...
As long as this is in the field, When you play a card from EX Area, if there are 10 or more cards in enemy graveyard, subtract 2 from its cost. Evolve: Choose a card from enemy graveyard. Put it to...
During your turn, when this follower takes damage from card effects, choose a follower from enemy field or an enemy leader. Deal 3 damage to it. Evolve: Choose an card with an original cost of 2 or...