Sengoku Basara
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Two Ninjas SB/S06-074
$0.19TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +2 Soul. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.19 -
Oni of Onigashima SB/S06-075
$0.19TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Climax Zone, put the top card ofyour Library in Stock, and all your Characters gain +1 Soul for the turn. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.19 -
"Under the Moonlight, For You" Kasuga SB/S06-076
$0.64TEXT: [A] [(4)] When this becomes Reversed in battle, you may pay cost. If so,Rest this, and put the top card of your Clock in Waiting Room. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.64 -
"Lightning Speed Holy General" Kenshin Uesugi SB/S06-077
$0.96TEXT: [A] [(3) Discard 2 cards from your hand to the Waiting Room] This abilitymay be activated up to once per turn. When the Battle Opponent of this becomesReversed, if "Speedy Like the Wind And Lightning" is in the Climax Zone, youmay pay cost. If so,...$0.96 -
"Hero of Oshu" Masamune Date SB/S06-078
$1.28TEXT: [C] If you have another '"Right Eye of the Dragon"' Koujurou Katakura,this gains +2000 Power. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$1.28 -
"Right Eye of the Dragon" Koujurou Katakura SB/S06-079
$1.28TEXT: [C] If you have another '"Hero of Oshu" Masamune Date', this gains +2000Power. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$1.28 -
"Humanity's Chivalry" Koujurou Katakura SB/S06-080
$0.51TEXT: [A] CHANGE [(3) Put this in Waiting Room] At the Start of your EncoreStep, if this is Rested, you may pay cost. If so, choose a '"Refined Guy"Masamune Date' in your Waiting Room and put it in the Slot this was in. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.51 -
"Precocious And Resolute" Ujimasa Houjou SB/S06-081
$0.51TEXT: [A] [(2)] When this is Front Attacked, you may pay cost. If so, searchyour Library for up to 1 ::Ninja:: Character, reveal it, and put it in yourhand. Shuffle your Library. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.51 -
"Refined Guy" Masamune Date' SB/S06-082
$1.92TEXT: [A] [(2)] When this is placed from the Waiting Room to the Stage, you maypay cost. If so, put the top card of your Clock in the Waiting Room.[A] CHANGE [Put this in the Waiting Room] At the Start of your Encore Step, ifthis is Rested, you may pay...$1.92 -
"God of War" Kenshi Uesugi SB/S06-083
$0.64TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain +500 Power.[S] [(2) Rest this] Choose 1 of your Opponent's Characters. That Character doesnot Stand during your Opponent's next Stand Phase. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.64 -
"Southern Barbaric Ways" Xavi SB/S06-084
$0.32TEXT: [C] During your Opponent's turn, all your other Characters with ::Love::gain +1000 Power.[A] [(1)] When "Warrior of Love" is placed in your Climax Zone, if this is inthe Front Row, you may pay cost. If so, search your Library for up to 1'"Southern...$0.32 -
"Unlimited Six-Claw Style" Masamune Date SB/S06-085
$1.92TEXT: [C] If there are Markers under this, this gains +4000 Power, andCharacter Opposite this gets +1 Soul.[A] When "King of Date Troops" is placed in your Climax Zone, if there are noMarkers under this, you may put the top card of your Library under...$1.92Qty in Cart: 0Quantity:Price:$1.92Subtotal: -
"Masamune's Confidant" Koujurou Katakura SB/S06-086
$0.26TEXT: [C] During your Opponent's turn, this gains +1000 Power.[S] [Rest this] Put this in Waiting Room. Choose a '"Refined Guy" MasamuneDate' in your Waiting Room and put it in the Slot this was in. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.26 -
"Unrivaled in World" Masamune Date SB/S06-087
$1.28TEXT: [C] During your Opponent's turn, this gains +1000 Power.[C] Character Opposite this gets -1 Soul.[A] [(2)] When the Battle Opponent of this becomes Reversed, you may pay cost.If so, draw a card. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$1.28 -
"One-Eyed Dragon" Masamune Date SB/S06-088
$0.26TEXT: -- None -- World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.26 -
"Vice General" Koujurou Katakura SB/S06-089
$0.13TEXT: [C] During your Opponent's turn, all your other Characters gain +500Power.[A] When your other Character with ::Eye Patch:: is placed from Waiting Room tothe Stage, look at the top card of your Library and put it either on top orbottom of the...$0.13 -
"Beautiful Sword" Kasuka SB/S06-090
$0.26TEXT: [C] If you have another Characters with ::Rose::, this gains +2000Power.[A] [Put this in the Waiting Room] When another Character of yours is placedfrom the Stage to the Waiting Room, if this is in the Back Row, you may paycost. If so, put that...$0.26 -
"Overflowing Love" Xavi SB/S06-091
$0.13TEXT: [C] All your other Characters gain ::Love::. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.13 -
"Kunoichi" Kasuga SB/S06-092
$0.26TEXT: [A] CHANGE [(3) Put this in the Waiting Room] At the beginning of yourEncore Step, if this is Rested, you may pay cost. If so, choose 1 '"Godly SpeedGeneral" Kenshin Uesugi' in your Waiting Room and put it in the Slot this wasin.[S] [Counter]...$0.26 -
"Genius of Battle" Kenshin Uesugi SB/S06-093
$0.13TEXT: [A] This ability can activate up to twice per turn. When you use an [S]ability, this gains +1000 Power.[A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card from hand to the Waiting Room] World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.13 -
Dragon And Right Eye SB/S06-095
$5.12TEXT: [Counter] You may discard a card from your hand to the Waiting Room. Ifso, put up to 1 card from top of your Clock in your Waiting Room, Send this toMemory, and choose 1 of your Characters. That Character gains "[A] When this isplaced from Stage to...$5.12Qty in Cart: 0Quantity:Price:$5.12Subtotal: -
Press On...! SB/S06-096
$2.56TEXT: You may put the top card of your Clock in your Waiting Room. Choose 1 ofyour ::Weapon:: Characters. That Character gains +4000 Power for the turn. Sendthis to Memory. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$2.56 -
Legendary Ninja SB/S06-097
$0.13TEXT: Look at up to X cards from top of your Library and choose up to 1 of themand put it in your hand. Put the rest in your Waiting Room. X = number of your::Ninja:: Characters. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.13 -
King of Date Troops SB/S06-098
$1.28TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +2 Soul. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$1.28Qty in Cart: 0Quantity:Price:$1.28Subtotal: -
Speedy Like the Wind And Lightning SB/S06-099
$0.26TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Climax Zone, put the top card ofyour Library in your Stock, and all your Characters gain +1 Soul for the turn. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.26 -
Warrior of Love SB/S06-100
$0.32TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.32 -
"Koi Tactics" Keiji Maeda SB/S06-101
$19.20TEXT: [A] When the Trigger Check of your Characters reveals a Climax card, youmay put the top card of your Library to your Stock.[S] [Rest this] Choose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains +1000Power for the turn. World Wide Shipping fee is...$19.20Qty in Cart: 0Quantity:Price:$19.20Subtotal: -
"Sworn Enemies" Masamune & Yukimura SB/S06-102
$3.20TEXT: [A] During your turn, if the Battle Opponent of this becomes Reversed,look at the top card of your Library. Put that card on top of your Library orin your Waiting Room. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$3.20 -
"Strong Troops, Rich Country" Hideyoshi Toyotomi SB/S06-T02
$0.26TEXT: [S] BRAINSTORM [(1)] Flip over the top 4 cards of your Library and putthem in the Waiting Room. For each Climax revealed this way, this gains +3000Power for the turn. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.26 -
"Storm of Koi" Keiji Maeda SB/S06-T03
$0.19TEXT: [A] [(1)] When this attacks, if "Fissure" is in the Climax Zone, you maypay cost. If you do, search your Library for up to 1 Character with "Koi" inits name, reveal it, and put it in your hand. Shuffle your Library. World Wide Shipping fee is...$0.19 -
"Flowery Path of Koi" Keiji Maeda SB/S06-T04
$0.19TEXT: [A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card from hand to the Waiting Room][S] [(1)] Choose 1 of your Characters with "Koi" in its name. That Charactergains +2000 Power for the turn. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.19 -
Fissure SB/S06-T05
$0.19TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.19 -
"Blue and Red" Masamune & Yukimura SB/S06-T06
$0.19TEXT: -- None -- World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.19 -
"Hero of Sengoku Period" Motochika Chosokabe SB/S06-T07
$0.19TEXT: -- None -- World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.19 -
"Passionate" Yukimura Sanada SB/S06-T08
$0.19TEXT: [A] [(2)] When the Battle Opponent of this becomes Reversed, you may paycost. If you do, choose a ::Weapon:: Character in your Waiting Room and returnit to your hand. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.19 -
"Furinkazan" Shingen Takeda SB/S06-T09
$0.19TEXT: [A] CHANGE [(2) Put this in the Waiting Room] At the beginning of yourEncore Step, if this is Rested, you may pay cost. If you do, choose a '"Chantof Battle Spirit" Yukimura Sanada' in your Waiting Room and put it in the Slotthis was in.[S] [(1)]...$0.19 -
"Sanada Ninja Squad Leader" Sasuke Sarutobi SB/S06-T10
$0.19TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain +500 Power. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.19 -
"Chant of Battle Spirit" Yukimura Sanada SB/S06-T11
$0.19TEXT: [A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card from hand to the Waiting Room] World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.19 -
"Reliable Brother" Motochika Chosokabe SB/S06-T12
$0.19TEXT: [A] [(2)] When you use BACKUP of this, you mau pay cost. If you do, deal1 damage to your Opponent. (Damage Cancel can occur)[S] [Counter] BACKUP 1500, Level 1 [(1) Discard this card from hand to theWaiting Room] World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.19 -
"Flawless" Motochika Chosokabe SB/S06-T13
$0.19TEXT: [C] If you have 3 or more other ::Weapon:: Characters, this gains +1000Power.[A] When another of your ::Eye Patch:: Characters attacks, this gains +1000Power for the turn. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.19 -
Kabukimono SB/S06-T14
$0.19TEXT: All your ::Weapon:: Characters gain +1500 Power for the turn. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.19 -
Best of Japanese Troops SB/S06-T15
$1.92TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$1.92Qty in Cart: 0Quantity:Price:$1.92Subtotal: -
Oni of Onigashima SB/S06-T16
$0.19TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Climax Zone, put the top card ofyour Library in Stock, and all your Characters gain +1 Soul for the turn. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~$0.19