[CONT](VC):This unit gets grade +1/[Power]+2000 for each different Blessing card in your soul and drop in total that was in the ride deck. (Active on opponent's turn too)
[AUTO](VC):At the beginning of your main phase, choose up to one Blessing card from your ride deck, and put it into soul. Perform one of the following according to your vanguard's grade.
?Grade 1 ] Choose up to one "Energy Generator" from your ride deck, and put it into the crest zone. If you do, and you went second, Energy Charge (3).
?Grade 3 - Search your deck or hand for up to one "Dragontree of Advent, Sephirogila", ride it as [Stand], and if you searched the deck, shuffle the deck. If you rode, choose one of your (RC) without any Dragontree markers, and put a Dragontree marker.
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