TEXT: [A] When this attacks, choose up to 2 of your ::Music:: Characters, andthose Characters gain +500 Power for the turn. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~
【A】 When this card is placed on Stage from Hand, you may place the top card of your Clock into Waiting Room. 【A】 When a Climax is placed into your Climax Slot, during that turn, this card gets +1000...
TEXT: [A] When "The Answer Everyone Agreed Upon" is placed in your Climax Zone,if this is in the Front Row and you have another "Maki, Refreshments for theLive" and another "Hanayo, Feelings Towards...
【A】 When this card is placed on Stage from Hand, you may place the top card of your Clock into Waiting Room. 【A】 When a Climax is placed into your Climax Slot, during that turn, this card gets +1000...