Include Non-Foil V-TD07 Cards.
V-TD07/001 Docking Deletor, Greion 4
V-TD07/002 Aroma Torbar Dragon 4
V-TD07/003 Swift Deletor, Geali 4
V-TD07/004 Bloating Deletor, Gio 4
V-TD07/005 Big Gunner of the Cataclysmic Variable Star 3
V-TD07/006 Ferment Deletor, Gaen 4
V-TD07/007 Breaking Deletor, Gatario 3
V-TD07/008 One Wheel of the Galaxy, Cosmo Chaplet 4
V-TD07/009 Cathode of Collapse, Magnotia 3
V-TD07/010 Sprout Deletor, Luchi 1
V-TD07/011 Asteroid Wolf 4
V-TD07/012 Pulse Monk of the Quaking Foot 4
V-TD07/013 Beloved Child of Superstring Theory 4
V-TD07/014 Lady Healer of the Torn World 4