TEXT: [A] CHANGE [(2) Put this in Clock] At the start of your Climax Phase, youmay pay cost. If so, choose an "Umi Sonoda" in your Waiting Room and put it inthe Slot this was in. World Wide Shipping...
TEXT: Search your Library for up to 1 Character with CHANGE, reveal it, and putit in your hand. Shuffle your Library. Send this to Memory. World Wide Shipping fee is 120YEN~
TEXT: [A] CHANGE [(1) Put this in Clock] At the start of your Climax Phase, youmay pay cost. If so, choose a '"Our LIVE is LIFE with You" Nozomi Toujou' inyour Waiting Room and put it in the Slot...
TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Climax Zone, draw a card, andchoose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains +2000 Power and +1 Soulfor the turn. World Wide Shipping fee is...